One Year Of Photography by Howard Haby

Posts tagged “Christmas.

327/365: Boxing Day

A photo from a drive I took today. The ice is on the bay and it’s starting to get and stay a little colder. No where close to what the temperature should be, but it’s colder. But it will be a while before the ice is safe for any type of travel.


326/365: Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Just a couple photos of Dexter this Christmas – raiding his stocking, and the after effect of his treats.

Take care all!!

325/365: Christmas Eve

Ah, Christmas Eve. I love this time of year. I used to hate this time of year. However, over the last 10 years or so, I’ve decided that whatever it was that fueled my distaste for the season wasn’t worth the miserable feelings that came with it. And hating something generally isn’t healthy. The only thing it does is make you bitter, and the people around you miserable. I mean, Christmas isn’t going anywhere any time soon, and I have a lot of years left, so I might as well enjoy it.

As a result, I do what I always do when faced with something I dislike but cannot change:  I pick and choose the best parts, the things that really matter to me and the things I feel are truly important, and then I create my own meaning for what those things represent and Voila!! I have my very own Christmas spirit, and it’s as good as anyone else. The ideas behind Christmas, both good and bad, have changed and evolved over the years, so why can’t I decide what I want to keep and what I want to throw away?

Anyway, Christmas is a great time of year to get together with friends and family and the people that mean the most to you. For some people, it’s the only time they get to do this, so enjoy it  and take it all in. That’s all I’ll say about Christmas.

On another note, I’ve come across an article highlighted in another blog referencing a Fox News story that some people might be interested in. I didn’t hear about it, because I don’t watch Fox “news” (for lack of a better term). It’s part tech geek stuff, and part spy mystery – but I thought it was a cool story. It’s about a computer worm called Stuxnet, that has, for now, crippled/slowed down Iran’s nuclear program. If you find it interesting, read to the end.

A Very Merry Christmas to one and all, family, friends and blog followers alike. If you’ve got time, go share a coffee and Bailey’s with someone special.


324/365: Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree…

Quote From Wife: “Hm. It could be the ugliest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen.”

This quote is my Facebook status from a few days ago. Seriously, the tree is pretty sad. We were looking for a tall, slim tree and we ended up with a tall, butchered tree. That’s what it looks like. The top 1/3 is really great, but as you lower your eyes, your eyebrows begin to furrow, and then you find your face contorting into a grimace. Some of our visitors try to hide this reaction when they first see our tree, out of politeness, but their reaction time isn’t quite quick enough to handle this ferocious assault on their visual senses.

When we picked out the tree it was hard to tell what the tree would actually look like, because of course the branches are tied up. Generally, the process when you get a tree involves cutting off the strings that bound the branches when you get home, and standing the tree up for a night or so, to let the branches fall and spread into a beautiful, breath taking symbol of the holidays. When we first cut the strings off, we didn’t have much hope. But like a good husband, I assured my wife that everything would look just fine in the morning when the branches had all lowered, and we’d have a lovely tree. When we saw the tree the next morning, our breath was certainly taken away alright – Amy screamed in terror, and I vomited. It was pretty bad.

Regardless, we were going to love this homely tree and welcome it into the family, albeit as the ugliest member. So we dressed Mr. Tall, Green, and Ugly in fine decoration, watered him well and (when the room lights are out), he’s actually turning out to be pretty good company. We’ll tolerate the furrowed brows, grimaces, and the occasional dry heave from our guests with understanding, and hopefully our guests will show us the same respect, and not judge us too harshly.  Understanding, empathy, and tolerance – one of those, at the very least, should be a pillar of the Christmas spirit.

The following photo contains a small portion of our tree.

Be good to each other.

2 more sleeps.

323/365: A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story is one of my favorite Christmas movies. I’ve watched it every year for about as far back as I can remember, and it’s in the line up for tonight. Amy and her sister Natasha are wrapping presents, we’re all watching Christmas movies, and I’m mostly trying to prevent Dexter from eating everything in site as the living room floor is littered with temptation and opportunity.

That’s all for tonight. Thanks for dropping by.



322/365: Snow Ball

Just a photo from a shoot I did with my niece, Hannah, and friends. There were many, many nice photos from this evening, but I thought I’d throw one of my quick favorites in here tonight. I’d write more, but it’s late and I’ve been drinking a little….  ……..ok, more than a little.

Take care all.




321/365: Cookie Exchange

I may not post a photo for tomorrow. I’ll be taking photos though, but Amy is having a cookie exchange and potluck tomorrow evening and it’s just for the girls. If you don’t know what that is, it’s where people get together and exchange dozens of cookies, and then you have an array of baked goods for the holidays. A great idea.  As a response, I’m having a beer exchange with some of the fellas. We’ll be exchanging dozens of beers. But before the beer exchange, my niece Hanna is having a “Snow Ball” tomorrow evening and I said I’d take photos for her and her friends. Most likely the photos will be from that shoot tomorrow. Should be a bit of fun.

So that’s that. If I’m unable to make a post tomorrow, you know why.

Thanks for dropping by.