One Year Of Photography by Howard Haby

Posts tagged “Crafts

249/365: Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!!

248/365: Fur Packed Action

Rummaging through some boxes, I found this CD. It’s The Dull Thud Of Fur by the band Fur Packed Action from St. John’s. This was a big CD in my early university life. I thought it was long gone, but here it is. I loved these guys, and the music is still great. You can get a little more info on them here if you want.

Patrick, (How you want your action?) if you see this blog entry, send me your address and I’ll send you a copy (I don’t think you can buy this anymore). Actually, did I perhaps take this (steal) from you? Regardless, here it is!!

Now, if I could only hook up with a Thomas Trio and the Red Albino album, I’d be very happy.


247/365: Basil Fatality

A while back I expressed how terrible we are with plants, but how at the same time, we had a lot of luck with a little growing we were doing this year. Well, in the hustle and bustle of the last couple weeks, I found some basil that had been overlooked, and is now, dead. Very, very dead. A moment of silence, please.

246/365: Sour Keys

These are mine and Dexter’s favorite sour treats. I love these things… sometimes. The problem I have is, I binge on them, and then I don’t feel so great, then I don’t even want to see them for about 6 months. But by the time  I discover their soury goodness again, I’ve forgotten all about the bingeing and not feeling so hot, and do it to myself all over again. Anyway, Dexter begs for these things. It’s not because he actually likes them, because I gave him one and he just swallowed it. Didn’t even taste it. I was expecting a sort of funny, chewy-sour-face thing, but instead all he gave me was farts! No more sour keys for you, Dexter. 

245/365: Final Edit

Just a quick entry: a self-portrait during the final edit of a wedding tonight. That’s it. It’s all I had time for.

Thanks for dropping by!!

244/365: Entrepreneurs

It’s been a little while since we last got around to giving our truck a proper cleaning. With the amount of sand in Goose Bay, you better believe it’s in your best interest to get as much of it out of your vehicle before the snow hits. Trust me, it can really build up. Add dogs to the mix, and sometimes your vehicle can get in a real mess, quick.

Enter Kevin’s Vehicle Wash & Detailing. I thought I’d give a shout out to Kevin’s business here because we thought he did a really great job. As well, he’s still in high school. I just think it’s cool for a young person to start a business.  I asked him if he had a busy year, and said we’d spread the word for him when he informed me that he’s been doing this for a few years. He does it during the spring and summer, and puts an end to it when the frost hits.

 Well, I only found out about Kevin this last couple weeks. Guess I’m out of the loop. So for those of you who are also out of the loop, and have a vehicle that is in a mess and little time, or you just want a serious cleaning, the frost isn’t far away. He charges a fair price, and does a great job. He actually got all of Dexter’s fur. ALL OF IT. Trust me, the capital letters are appropriate. I was giving a few intoxicated friends a ride a couple nights ago (you know who you are!), and this guy lifted a cooler into the back of the truck, paused, and said, “…. Wow. I guess you guys have a dog!?” It was really bad.

That’s all for tonight. Cheers.  

243/365: Decorating

So we’ve been in our house for a couple weeks now, and we’re finally getting around to hanging some of our art and photos. Ok, well…. we’ve decided where one thing will go. But it’s not hung up yet. It is placed next to the wall where it will go though.  …..  It’s a start.